Thank you for your patience while we retrieve your images.
MPIX is attached to the BUY section of each gallery.
*I do not make any additional profit from attaching MPIX to the galleries. I just do it for your convenience and to make it easy to order prints from a quality photo lab.

To download the photos, hit the select key, then checkmark the photos you wish to download. Once photos are selected, hit the download button. This works best on a computer or tablet.

If you are saving to a cell phone device. Click on the photo you wish to download first. There will be three button icons on the bottom. The heart to the left, and the download and buy button to the bottom right. The download button looks like an arrow pointing downwards. Click that button to save to your device.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you again for having Pamella Vann Photography for this event.